A night guard is an oral appliance you wear while you sleep to prevent teeth grinding (bruxism). Many patients who grind their teeth may not even be aware they’re doing it until it’s brought up by their partner.
Our dentists in Grandville, MI, may also notice signs of teeth grinding, such as worn tooth enamel.
If you recognize the signs of teeth grinding, call our office as soon as possible. Our dentists will be able to make a night guard for teeth grinding.
that will protect your teeth while you sleep. Over time, teeth grinding can destroy your smile and oral health. Call today to learn how to get yourDuring your first visit with us, one of our dentists will examine your teeth for signs of bruxism. If we determine a night guard would help, we’ll then take digital impressions of your teeth to send to the lab.
When you return for your second appointment, your custom night guard will be ready. One of our dentists will make sure your night guard fits perfectly. That way, your night guard for teeth grinding will be comfortable to wear while you sleep.
A custom night guard costs less than restorative dentistry. If you suspect you grind or clench your teeth at night, call us as soon as possible. The sooner you call our office, the sooner we can create a custom night guard. That way, you’ll be able to protect your teeth from getting worn, chipped, or cracked.
Our dentists in Grandville, MI, are accepting new patients! To request an appointment, call the Grandville Dental Health Center at (616) 531-0360.